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How to use LandClass and Photo-real together  -  by Bede40

cool To cool to use a few hours to spare, we set the head to see what version v2.5 Prepar3D was able to do with the two types of addons: those oriented Landclass and scenes Photo Reliable.

1. These two categories are represented respectively by Orbx one side and France-VFR another. The result is that now the two can coexist on the same simulator.

2. Show that P3D 2.5 digests very well in France Brittany 3DA-VFR (latest technology but showed worries about P3D v2.4). For Orbx, our previous test had shown that the answer was a long time: yes !.

Some pictures to get started:

eek My Settings

In the configuration panel of  NVIDIA:

  1. General Tab put all parameters on "Default",
  2. Prepar3D Tab, put all parameters on  "Default"

In the file  "Prepar3D.cfg", a variable has to be set on "1" because it removes the autogen poping and works perfectly on P3D 2.5 ... on v2.4, it was not tip-top frown

The P3D settings:

The two scenes "Bretagne VFR 3DA" provide an extensive autogen (but different from the autogen as defined by FSX, it is the 3DA standard of France-VFR). Fortunately, France VFR offers us three possible restitutions:

For small configurations (32bit OS): a basic version (in the "VFR Voln Britain - Objects layer")

For more muscular configurations (64bit OS) a complement (in the "Bretagne VFR Voln - Objects layer 64-bit"). The name has nothing to do with 64bit files, it refers to the OS.

For very muscular configurations of objects and trafficking contained in the "Extras" directory "Bretagne VFR Voln - Ground layer" to be placed in the "Scenery" of "Bretagne VFR Voln - Ground layer".

After various tests on my configuration ( I7 4770k 4Ghz, 4MB GTX780), it turns out that the best results are obtained for the flight by disabling 64bit scenes (keep declared for any screenshots).

The generosity of the object volume has a drawback: the loading time. My PC gets stuck on 6% in "Loading field data" a good number of minutes required for the digestion of what strength P3D him swallow, but the wait is worth it.

Some details about the settings "Scenery" essential to the display of scenes:

1. "Level of detail radius" determines the radius (in thousands of m) in which objects and autogen are loaded. We have shown that its size has much less influence on the framerate of P3D than that of FSX, so the smaller the radius is bigger and better is the aspect in P3D.

2. "Scenery complexity" is to the maximum base setting recommended for Orbx products and why not FVFR for maximum performance display.

3. "... Autogen density", these settings are to be changed depending on your hardware (but the point still has two maximum).

The rest of the settings is to your taste and the power of your hardware (which manages your taste in general!).

A video tite on the spot to show the behavior of 3DA:

The 3DA objects are displayed in the radius required normally to P3D: more incongruous appearances or disappearances.

Saying that P3D v2.5 provides only a lot of unnecessary problems (full install a hotfix and third party applications that are not yet updated) is going a little fast.
Although improvements of v2.4 are not included in the list published by Lockheed Martin, the proof is: the regional scene 3DA seduced us!

In our opinion, proper waste by P3D v2.4 (at least in standard P3D), the relatively long processing time of loading shows that P3D preparing "its works" (one of the more than 2.5) the objects provided by France -VFR.

So Orbx and 3DA products works together ! In addition the two coexist because if France-VFR kept the rider used to crush the management of autogen files already installed on the PC to place his AGX product that takes no account of Orbx, integrates Orbx in its definitions 3DA object identifiers (sic).

Now that a publisher does not want to share the economic market with each other, we do not care a bit and even much since there is a simple solution for these products to coexist harmoniously on our machines.

To restore this:

1 - Go to the directory Orbx here: "C: Lockheed MartinPrepar3D"

2 - Copy Files:
"C: Lockheed MartinPrepar3D v2Autogen"

Friendly, cool Bede40

Published on 23/02/2015 : 10:02   All the posts  Preview  Print...  Top


Reaction #1  -  by RUSTYBX

18/07/2015 : 19:21

Dans "Prepar3D.cfg", une variable à mettre impérativement à "1" car elle supprime le poping de l'autogen et fonctionne parfaitement sur la 2.5 ... sur la 2.4, ce n'était pas encore tip-top
Quelle variable svp dans preapr3d.cfg

Reaction #2  -  by phoximus

20/09/2015 : 21:56

A priori, cette astuce ne fonctionne pas avec l'opus aquitainede France VFRk

Reaction #3  -  by Lagaffe

02/01/2016 : 16:26


Cette astuce ne fonctionne plus .... parce que le 3DA Aquitaine n'a plus rien à voir avec l'ancien 3DA.

Depuis quelques temps, à chaque nouvelle version de scène, la technologie 3DA change ... rendant difficile la cohabitation avec d'autres scènes. En l’occurrence de nouveaux GUIDS sont apparus avec cette scène, GUIDS utilisés par d'autres scènes.
Le jour où les auteurs stabiliseront leur technologie on aura peut-être un semblant de cohabitation possible entre les divers produits existants.

C'est d'ailleurs ce que quelqu'un fervent de France-VFR avait affirmé en disant "que dans toute installation France-VFR, il faut toujours terminer par l'installation d'Aquitaine qui modifie les déclarations d'autogen existants" k


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