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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

Bienvenue sur French-VFR, notre portail sur les créations concernant les simulateurs de Microsoft, de Lockheed Martin et de Laminar Research.

Depuis 2013, date à laquelle ce site a été créé, je me suis toujours efforcé de maintenir 2 versions de ce site: une version française et une autre en anglais. Le drapeau qui se situe en haut tout à gauche de la ligne de menus permet de basculer d'un site sur l'autre.

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Utilisez ce drapeau, cela vous évitera des essais infructueux et à moi de répondre systématiquement aux lecteurs de prendre la peine de lire let éditorial. Merci.


Lagaffe biggrin


Welcome French-VFR, our portal of creations for simulators of Microsoft, Lockheed Martin and Laminar Research.

Since 2013, when this site was created, I have always tried to maintain 2 versions of this site: one in French and one in English. The flag at the top left of the menu line allows you to switch from one site to the other.

Our files are protected by a "user/password" against hotspots, unfortunately the use of Google Translate is to be avoided because this software also modifies these identifiers.

Use this flag, it will save you unsuccessful attempts and I will systematically reply to the readers to take the trouble to read your editorial. Thank you.


Lagaffe biggrin_______________________________________________________________________

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