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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

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Cessna 180-G Hydra :

French-VFR has the honor to present an other variation of the Cessna 150 delivered during 2013 Christmas. This aircraft is a fictive variation. This aircraft has changed significantly to finally obtain this  "Hydravion" configuration which a 180 hp!

This plane has the distinction of being supplied with a Damage Mod somewhat like a AccuSim for you to live with more intensity flights you will do with him.

It is based on the C150 'TiBush version and share with it some files like the documentation (sounds, gauges, Damage Mod, and also the FSX/French-VFR directory for exemple).

a) If you do not have the C150 'TiBush simply unzip the archive in your simulator.

b) If you already have the TiBush, you can omit to copy the French-VFR directory under the FSX or P3D directory. If you do not, the French-VFR directory of this archive will overwrite the previous directory and you will lose your previous settings of the C150-K Damage Mod.

Lagaffe and his friends cool

This version has been tested on FSX DirectX10 and Prepar3D v2.4 and it's "Shared Cockpit Ready"

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is micro, password is simulation. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 503.54 Kb) Downloaded 3072 times

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