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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

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Close  Aircrafts FS2004

Shortly before the Second World War, the French authorities wished to have a glider performance. Before the German refusal to give the plans of the famous "GrünauBaby" team Pont Saint-Vincent, under the direction of Mangeot, began to work and created a prototype inspired "Grunau" and various techniques on foreign gliders.

After many changes and modifications, the first device after the war gave birth to one of the best known French gliders at the time: the "Emouchet".



The technician point of vue:

The wing of the "Emouchet" was in the form type parasol monoplane, braced by poles streamlined adjustable tubes. It was made ​​of wood and canvas, edge and main spar were respectively worked in spruce and birch.

The fuselage was of beam type semi-shell coating work of hexagonal section. The woods used were new and okoume birch. The interior was shrouded by a removable roadster cowl with windshield cellon. The rudder was presented in a broad form and construction came with the fuselage. The horizontal tail, they were the cantilever conventional type. The lander was made for her by a resilient pad ash separated from the body by three rubber buffers.


Envergure: 12,48 m.
Longueur: 6,73 m.
Masse totale: 240 kg
Finesse maxi: 19 à 68 km/h.
Vitesse maxi : 120 km/h.

Other versions for P3D/FSX sont disponibles are ready under " Downlaod - Aircrafts P3D " cool

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