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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

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Close  Aircraft FSX/P3D

LFG Roland DVI by Bernard aka "Bede40"

The Roland D.VI was a German fighter aircraft built at the end of World War I. It lost a fly-off to the Fokker D.VII, but production went ahead anyway as insurance against problems with the Fokker.

In 1917, Luft-Fahrzeug-Gesellschaft also designed as Roland began to design a new fighter, the D.VI. Originality was to use a slightly different construction of the fuselage, semi-monocoque but using uniform strips of wood instead of plywood. This production was inspired by boats construction and is also known as "clinker".

Two main variants were built, D. and D. VIa VIb, differ only in the engine and other small details.

His performances were correct and he had good handling characteristics. Based on this plane, 350 were ordered, of which 150 were D.VIa and the rest D.VIB. These aircraft have reached the Western Front in August 1918, where their popularity has declined, mainly because of the prevalence of the Pfalz D. XII and Fokker D. VII. The war ended before the Roland DVI. to enter into large-scale action.

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