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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

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Close  Aircrafts FS2004

Aero AT-3 is a side by side two-seater training and tourism Polish cantilever low-wing monoplane and fixed tricycle landing gear. Designed by Tomasz Antoniewski in 1997, the AT-3 is largely inspired by Pottier P.220S Koala. In response to criticism, particularly in Britain, the basic version has been changed from 28 cm stretched fuselage, empennage deeper modification of the bonnet to facilitate visits by a replacement engine Rotax 912S 100 ch, avionics western parking brake, ...) to become aT-3 R100.

This aircraft modeled by our friend Berju83-Virtual Pilot is his FSX creation but exported for FS2004 with ULE2 (Unlimited Export v2).

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 995.04 Kb) Downloaded 2382 times

Menestrel_HN433.pdf(1 522.51 Kb) Downloaded 1396 times

A new version v1.00 is ready for downloads, which an aircraft.cfg/turbulent.air adapted  !

The Druine D31 Turbulent was designed to be performed by amateur builder and this is a single-seater with a lightweight undercarriage cantilever low-wing with a tail wheel. At propulsion is powered by a 30hp (1200cc) Volkswagen (or a similar engine)

cool  An other version for P3D/FSX is ready under "Downloads - Aircrafts P3Dcool


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is bordeaux, password is cognac.. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 611.46 Kb) Downloaded 2953 times

Updated version V1.00 - le 16/11/2012
The Jodel are single-engine airplanes French. The name "Jodel" comes from the two founders of the company, "Jo" for Édouard Joly, pilot, amateur builder, farmer of his state, and "del" for his son, Jean Délémontez, aircraft mechanic, self-taught engineer. In 1950 came the first "real" production company that will be a two-seater derivative of D9, D11 to respond to a government request seeking a Learning plane flying clubs. The D11, like D9, will also be a success, especially its different versions and so will the D112 with a Continental C65 65 hp.

Peter Watskins has just uploaded the following Jodel repaints to
- HB-SVV link
- BHNL link
We hope you like them!


cool Other versions for P3D/FSX are in the section " TDownlaods - Aircrafts P3D "

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is warning, password is landing. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 771.60 Kb) Downloaded 2960 times

The Demoiselle was the first light aircraft aerospace, created by engineer Alberto Santos-Dumont.



 It weighed less than 60 kg, his spine was made ​​of bamboo and was 8 feet long, the wing was made of wood covered with pine varnished silk cloth. The prototype project was his No. 19 for the price of kilometers, it has accomplished its first flight November 16, 1907 in Issy-les-Moulineaux, with a two-cylinder engine and horizontal Dutheil Chalmers 18-20 c.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is gear, password is down. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 507.87 Kb) Downloaded 1969 times

The Consolidated PBY Catalina seaplane is a military designed in the 1930s in the United States. It was widely used during the Second World War, both the U.S. Army by the other allies, performing missions varied.

The initial designation of the PBY plane was simply: "PB" for Patrol Boat, "Y" is the designation of Consolidated, its constructor. He was nicknamed by the British Catalina, in reference to Santa Catalina Island. Aircraft manufactured in Canada were designated them Canso.

This aircraft was first made ​​for "fly in X-Plane." Its creator Olivier Faivre who want to see it in other places had appealed to the FS community to make a portage.
My first attempts to bring the sources to Blender GMax date of late 2010. It was a big first for me and after a lot of research and attempts, the transformation process has been developed and is under control now (harnessed to the Savoia S21).


At present, the aircraft is already usable FS2004 via a very special compilation: it is based on an article by William Ortis on the abolition of certain limitations of compilers from Microsoft and that I had translated for 514.82 Kb) Downloaded 2274 times

The R.R.A.A is an association which aims to achieve wide 3/4 a replica of De Havilland Mosquito.
This aircraft was completed after more than 15 years of efforts. Throught this port in FS2004 I wanted to pay tribute to the tenacity and courage of theses men who worked with Michel Bogaert on this project.

First RC version contained a corrupted texture (fuselage.bmp) this RC2 shall correct this error.
The texture corrected (zip of 210Ko) available for FS2004 and P3D is in the section "Downloads - Updates".


cool An other version P3D is in "section Downloads - P3D Aircrafts" cool 837.24 Kb) Downloaded 1536 times

A worthy representative of French aviation, the amateur builders often forgotten but has increased our aircraft in the years 50-60.

In this adventure was my first modeling a plane, I was very fortunate to be helped by the manufacturer of the real aircraft: Jean-Claude Afflard. Although this model is still in Beta 2, the aircraft is perfectly workable and usable under FS2004 FSX/P3D (some worries texture propeller).

For more informations on this aircraft:

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is henri, password is mignet. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 816.56 Kb) Downloaded 1973 times


I gave the first beta to but on this first day of January, I wanted also to make a gift to our members, and for all those who would be interested to know the project progress of this famous NC858S ...

Sorry not to have been unable to do earlier: my 8800 GTX has failed yesterday afternoon

Version is far from finished but I wanted to give away a beta version is already usable and in which many animations are functional.

I wanted to make with this airplane a laboratory to test and validate my current knowledge in terms of modeling and XML programming. This is why it could happen again 3 months before seeing a completed version.


As there is still no documentation, here are some commands that will allow you to manage:
- Personnal Options menu appears: SHIFT + 4 ... it also appears in the virtual cockpit via a click on the label F-PJDZ
- Opening doors windows: SHIFT + E ... + 2
- Opening engine cowlings SHIFT + E ... + 3
- Opening doors by clicking the mouse in VC (click on the handle or the amount)

In the virtual cockpit, the gauges are fully 3D but against the radio panel is not yet functional. It should also change to incorporate both instruments Bendix-King KT76A and KY97A.

I wanted to thank my friends Jean "Epsilon", Bernard "Beercan" and David "David W." for their assistance in this project.

Best wishes for this new year 2013 cool 872.95 Kb) Downloaded 1368 times

The Nieuport 17 was a French biplane fighter aircraft of the First World War. It was developed by Gustave Delage (Nieuport company) and put into service in March 1916.
Derived from the Nieuport 12 equipped with a more powerful engine, larger wings and a better structure, the first aircraft were equipped with an engine of 110 hp (82 kW), later with a 130 hp engine (97 kW). It was a plane but very handy lower wings tended to break during extreme maneuvers.

From March 1916 Nieuport 17 was used by the French army, but was also adopted by most of the Allied armies. The Canadian ace Billy Bishop was awarded the Victoria Cross while flying a Nieuport 17.

The Germans were impressed by the performance of the hunter French, realized very faithful copy: the Siemens-Schuckert DI (fr) which was built in 94 copies.

Famous pilot who distinguished themselves on this unit were: Albert Ball, Billy Bishop, Georges Guynemer and Charles Nungesser.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink. username to use is wildlife, passord is pinguins.
It's necessary to follow the uppercase and lowercase letters when they are present.

abd Nieuport 17 172.69 Kb) Downloaded 3687 times

This aircraft is from the animated film "Porco Rosso" by Hayao Miyazaki. It's called Savoia S21 and is clearly inspired by racing seaplanes 20s.
I put my hand on this plane by chance on the X-Plane forum. The X-Plane in itself is very well done. A fact increasingly common for some freeware he meets perfectly the unit of the film.
The author has made ​​available the sources Blender, I had the crazy idea to focus on the Microsoft simulators. Permission having been granted on porting 06/05/2012 by DDENN Russian author of this gem, I set to work to have this aircraft in FS2004 first.
The version that you can already download and golds is a beta (missing virtual cockpit) but it is already "flyable" FS2004 and P3D.

savoia_S21.jpg 805.40 Kb) Downloaded 1799 times

Once is not custom, a purely imaginary plane created by Beercan in memory of "Super-Dupont" a french comic book of Gotlib ...


A specific version P3D/FSX is ready under " Downloads - Aircrafts P3D " cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to uset is antonov, password is iliouchine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 463.93 Kb) Downloaded 1843 times

A older aircraft created by Beercan to fly with Stearman and others oldies ...


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is spitfire, password is 1943. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 333.80 Kb) Downloaded 1531 times

Shortly before the Second World War, the French authorities wished to have a glider performance. Before the German refusal to give the plans of the famous "GrünauBaby" team Pont Saint-Vincent, under the direction of Mangeot, began to work and created a prototype inspired "Grunau" and various techniques on foreign gliders.

After many changes and modifications, the first device after the war gave birth to one of the best known French gliders at the time: the "Emouchet".



The technician point of vue:

The wing of the "Emouchet" was in the form type parasol monoplane, braced by poles streamlined adjustable tubes. It was made ​​of wood and canvas, edge and main spar were respectively worked in spruce and birch.

The fuselage was of beam type semi-shell coating work of hexagonal section. The woods used were new and okoume birch. The interior was shrouded by a removable roadster cowl with windshield cellon. The rudder was presented in a broad form and construction came with the fuselage. The horizontal tail, they were the cantilever conventional type. The lander was made for her by a resilient pad ash separated from the body by three rubber buffers.


Envergure: 12,48 m.
Longueur: 6,73 m.
Masse totale: 240 kg
Finesse maxi: 19 à 68 km/h.
Vitesse maxi : 120 km/h.

Other versions for P3D/FSX sont disponibles are ready under " Downlaod - Aircrafts P3D " cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is orleans, password is 1515. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 747.06 Kb) Downloaded 1491 times

22 January 2014 - Version 3.1: ready to use on FS2004 and FsX
This is the first creation in Abacus FSDS Regis "JandJ", member of French-VFR.
This ball is a test version because the effects have yet to be added and the flight behavior improved.

Upgrade 22 January 2014: A new MDL is provided because the pilot's leb throw out the mongolfiere.
WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: the username to used is togun, password is 1984. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercases when they are present.

This is an opportunity to test a new mode of travel to browse yours FS2004 sceneries. 264.32 Kb) Downloaded 1385 times

22 Janvier 2015  Version 1 - fonctionnelle sous FS2004 et FSX:

This aircraft is the second creation under FSDS v3.5x of Régis"Jandj", member of French-VFR.
This experimental aircraft has really existed:  .


 WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: the username to used is togun, password is 1984. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercases when they are present. 340.24 Kb) Downloaded 1047 times

Close  Aircraft FSX

Aero AT-3 is a side by side two-seater training and tourism Polish cantilever low-wing monoplane and fixed tricycle landing gear. Designed by Tomasz Antoniewski in 1997, the AT-3 is largely inspired by Pottier P.220S Koala. In response to criticism, particularly in Britain, the basic version has been changed from 28 cm stretched fuselage, empennage deeper modification of the bonnet to facilitate visits by a replacement engine Rotax 912S 100 ch, avionics western parking brake, ...) to become aT-3 R100.

This aircraft modeled by our friend Berju83-Virtual Pilot is his first creation for FSX but it works without any problem on P3D.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 509.50 Kb) Downloaded 4419 times


I gave the firstbeta on but on this first day of January, I wanted also to make a gift to our members, and for all those who would be interested to know the project progress of this famous NC858S ...

Sorry not to have been unable to do earlier: my 8800 GTX has failed yesterday afternoon

Version is far from finished but I wanted to give away a beta version is already usable and in which many activities are functional.

WARNING: This version is developed for FS2004, for the moment I have only adapted the textures for FSX/P3D but:

- under FSX, some animations are not functional
- under P3D, the adaptation is better.

I wanted to make this airplane a laboratory to test and validate my current knowledge in terms of modeling and XML programming. This is why it could happen again 3 months before seeing a completed version.



As there is still no documentation, here are some commands that will allow you to manage:
- Personnal Options menu appears: SHIFT + 4 ... it also appears in the virtual cockpit via a click on the label F-PJDZ
- Opening doors windows: SHIFT + E ... + 2
- Opening engine cowlings SHIFT + E ... + 3
- Opening doors by clicking the mouse in VC (click on the handle or the amount)

In the virtual cockpit, the gauges are fully 3D but against the radio panel is not yet functional. It should also change to incorporate both instruments Bendix-King KT76A and KY97A.

I wanted to thank my friends Jean "Epsilon", Bernard "Beercan" and David "David W." for their assistance in this project.

Best wishes for this new year 2013
cool 873.08 Kb) Downloaded 1544 times

Updated Wassmer WA-40 (version 1.1)
Wassmer is a company that was located in Issoire (now Issoire Aviation). It was the heyday of recreational aviation and gliding French. The first flight out of the consultants is Wassmer WA-40.

It is a five-seater aircraft structural metal tube canvas, capable of traveling 1400km to a cruising speed of 260 Km / h it off for the first time on June 8 1959. It has a wingspan of 10 m, a length 8.09 m to a maximum weight of 1200Kg, all powered by a Lycoming O-360 180hp. There were 168 copies built and as you'll discover with straight fins and arrow.

This is our talented friend and friend: "Berju83" of who made for you the version tested and validated on FSX DX9.

Version v1.1 has bring :

- pinule on the heading indicator for HDG. (corrected)
- function button heading gyro. (corrected)
- centering bar of the ball. (corrected)
- 2D popup selector for the fuel gauge. (corrected)
- Pressure gauges-intake, and fuel flow. (corrected)
- alternator circuit. (corrected)
- duplicated plygons in the canopy frame (corrected)
- nav lights and strobes still work even if disconnected battery (corrected)
- atmospheric engine (corrected).
- stall speeds in the checklist. (corrected)

This new version v1.3 includes some news corrections, including the engine and some instruments.
Here's the list:

- correction settings 235 HP engine.
- improvement of the propeller engine shutdown sequence /.
- improving the operation of radios, cut by avionics switches and battery.
- recovery popup panel switches and fuel gauge.
- more realistic positioning the center of gravity.
- improving the efficiency of the flaps.
- improving braking efficiency and compliance park brake.
- harmonize speeds references.
- additional repaint "Arc-en-ciel".


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 142.40 Kb) Downloaded 3875 times

To improve your Traffic AI ... the Wassmer WA-40 AI version

This is our talented friend and friend: "Berju83" of who made for you the version tested and validated on FSX DX9.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 899.19 Kb) Downloaded 1818 times

Close  Aircraft FSX/P3D

HM-290 / Pou du ciel (Flying flea):

Henri Mignet, is a famous designer of French airplanes. Creator of the formula Pou-du-ciel and initiator of the Air Sports Network (RSA), he is the father of aviation for all and amateur construction. It is thanks to him that a certain number of Frenchmen have discovered the amateur construction and the Aviation before and after the war. The "Pou du ciel" is a must and one of its greatest achievements. I propose to discover it here

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is henri, password is mignet. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.


HM-290_Pou_H-Mignet.7z(47 060.97 Kb) Downloaded 2851 times

Update version v1.5:

This new model is a fictional helicopter built by Bede40/Beercan on the basis of the ULM and in order to test landing operations on our french warship: FREMM Aquitaine (see French-VFR Libraries and static objects).
Mission accomplished for Bercan which could land on the FREMM several times after numerous tests. This aircraft features a new HUD integrating RFN TACAN v4.1 gauge functions.

This new model is designed for FSX and P3D while being compatible DX9 and DX10.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: the username to used is togun, password is 1984. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercases when they are present. 492.07 Kb) Downloaded 2250 times

MAJ: JODEL D112 - Version 2017

The Jodel aircraft are single-engine French tourism. The name "Jodel" comes from the two founders of the company, "Jo" for Édouard Joly, pilot, amateur builder, farmer of his state, and "del" for his son,Jean Délémontez, aircraft mechanic, self-taught engineer.
1950 comes the first "real" production company that will be a two-seater derivative of D9, D11 to respond to a government request seeking an apprenticeship aircraft for flying clubs. The D11, like D9, will also be a success, especially its different versions and thus follow the D112 with a Continental C65 engine 65 hp.

This aircraft was developed natively for P3D v3.4 and run very well in FSX SP2. cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is warning, password is landing. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

abd_Jodel 159.70 Kb) Downloaded 4267 times

Squirrel's Alouette III - Updated the 24 September 2017

Versions alpine & marine en :
The Alouette III is used by the Marine Nationale for more than 50 years. If the number of these rotorcraft which has been used for rescue, anti-submarine missions and as "Pedro" is now reduced: it remains a little more than twenty ones. This shows the great capabilities of this rotorcraft, also very famous in mountains.  When this rotorcraft is disappearing for the European continent, you will be able to fly her thanks to a little team : Camille Bachmann, Benoît Dubé, Jean Michel Renaux, Raphaël Grinevald and Bernard Juniot.

This model has been made for FSX Acceleration, but has also been tried for P3D V2 without issue.
The RFN gauge version 4.2 is installed by default, but not included in the package.

This helicopter is also compatible whith P3D v4 if you change the gauge which manage the sounds. You should download news dll on the Douglass Dawson's website :  and read the readme integratedwink.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is kln90b, password is garmin. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

Nota Bene: In the Repaints for Aircrafts, we will find the paintkit for this creation. 826.04 Kb) Downloaded 12696 times

LFG Roland DVI by Bernard aka "Bede40"

The Roland D.VI was a German fighter aircraft built at the end of World War I. It lost a fly-off to the Fokker D.VII, but production went ahead anyway as insurance against problems with the Fokker.

In 1917, Luft-Fahrzeug-Gesellschaft also designed as Roland began to design a new fighter, the D.VI. Originality was to use a slightly different construction of the fuselage, semi-monocoque but using uniform strips of wood instead of plywood. This production was inspired by boats construction and is also known as "clinker".

Two main variants were built, D. and D. VIa VIb, differ only in the engine and other small details.

His performances were correct and he had good handling characteristics. Based on this plane, 350 were ordered, of which 150 were D.VIa and the rest D.VIB. These aircraft have reached the Western Front in August 1918, where their popularity has declined, mainly because of the prevalence of the Pfalz D. XII and Fokker D. VII. The war ended before the Roland DVI. to enter into large-scale action.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is morgon, password is bourgogne. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are presen.


abd Roland 438.11 Kb) Downloaded 3010 times

Same aircraft than the latest but this version is for Prepar3D of Lockheed Martin.


WARNING : The downlaod is protected against hotlink: username to use  is  gear, password is down. It's necessary to respect uppercase and lowercases when they are present. 778.57 Kb) Downloaded 2899 times

Cessna 150 Basic Trainer V1.0:

This is François Denis and Yves Guided Franckart 's Cessna 150, developed in 2007 for Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2004. During the month of May, the two authors have done me the kindness and great honor to convey to me the sourcse of this creation in order to make a fully workable model for FSX and Prepar3D.

Released in 2008, there is no need to describe this addon, which has been the subject of several articles in the trade press of the time.

I am already working on a V2.0 is to take all advantages of the capabilities of FSX/P3D: the bumps and specular textures with also a "Damage mod" or something like a "AccuSim light" ...

Cessna_150 v1.0 Official Release

8 repaints are provided in Aircrafts's repaint section, repaints created by Pierrot78 and Greenhopper from

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is micro, password is simulation. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

Cessna 175.19 Kb) Downloaded 13547 times

Cessna 150-K 'Ti Bush:

French-VFR has the honor to present a special variation of the Cessna 150 delivered during 2013 Christmas. This aircraft is actually an existing plane which flies past few years over Quebec. Formerly Tail Dragger, this aircraft has changed significantly over the years through its various owners to finally get this  "Bush plane" configuration which a 150 hp!

This achievement was made possible through the collaboration of a few friends who have fallen in love with this small plane and its orange dress and with also the participation of the current owner to whom we dedicate this modest 3D modeling.

This plane has the distinction of being supplied with a Damage Mod somewhat like a AccuSim for you to live with more intensity flights you will do with him.

Lagaffe and his friends cool


This version has been tested on FSX DirectX10 and Prepar3D v2.4. It's "Shared Cockpit Ready"

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is micro, password is simulation. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 644.55 Kb) Downloaded 10941 times

Cessna 180-G Hydra UPDATE:

Following the discovery of some minor problems, here is a update to address:
  • the misfonctionnement via a mouse click of the pilot and co-pilot yokes,
  • the mapping of the stabilizer under the rudder,
  • to improve the efficiency of the water rudders.

Lagaffe  cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is micro, password is simulation. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 088.93 Kb) Downloaded 2369 times

Cessna 180-G Hydra :

French-VFR has the honor to present an other variation of the Cessna 150 delivered during 2013 Christmas. This aircraft is a fictive variation. This aircraft has changed significantly to finally obtain this  "Hydravion" configuration which a 180 hp!

This plane has the distinction of being supplied with a Damage Mod somewhat like a AccuSim for you to live with more intensity flights you will do with him.

It is based on the C150 'TiBush version and share with it some files like the documentation (sounds, gauges, Damage Mod, and also the FSX/French-VFR directory for exemple).

a) If you do not have the C150 'TiBush simply unzip the archive in your simulator.

b) If you already have the TiBush, you can omit to copy the French-VFR directory under the FSX or P3D directory. If you do not, the French-VFR directory of this archive will overwrite the previous directory and you will lose your previous settings of the C150-K Damage Mod.

Lagaffe and his friends cool

This version has been tested on FSX DirectX10 and Prepar3D v2.4 and it's "Shared Cockpit Ready"

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is micro, password is simulation. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 503.54 Kb) Downloaded 3072 times

Another version of the famous Druine D31 Turbulent compiled specificly for P3D and working under FSX.

Another FS2004 version is ready under " Download - Aircraft FS2004 " cool


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is bordeaux, password is cognac.. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 209.50 Kb) Downloaded 4709 times

It'ss one again the plane developped by Michel BOGAERT's team (R.R.A.A association). It's a replica of the famous DH-98 Mosquito at scale 0.75 but this time it's adapted to P3D.

First RC version contained a corrupted texture (fuselage.bmp) this RC2 shall correct this error.
The texture corrected (zip of 210Ko) available for FS2004 and P3D is in the section "Downloads - Updates".


cool An other version FS2004 RC2 is in "section Downloads - FS2004 Aircrafts" cool 533.49 Kb) Downloaded 1637 times

With a new compilation method called ULE2, aircrafts created and compiled in this environment can turn off limitations imposed by the SDK of FS204. This environment allows to exceed the magic number of 65,000 polygons in the GMax model and achieve more accurate objects (distance between two vertices of 0.0125 mm).
Compiled in this way, the models are much richer in FS2004 in terms of details and work especially well in P3D (but FSX) with some touches of textures (texture propeller and glazing).

Here is the ULE version of the famous Super Dupont P3D and incidentally for FSX:


Others FS2004 versions and P3D/FSX versions are ready under "Download - Aircrafts FS2004 " cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is antonov, password is iliouchine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 464.43 Kb) Downloaded 1672 times

This version is a FS2004 version FS2004 but it was modificated and compiled with ULE2 method which permet more polygons in the 3D model.
This aircraft run perfectly under FSX/P3D.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is spitfire, password is 1943. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 767.18 Kb) Downloaded 1315 times

This completely fictitious model was created with the aim of learning the SDK of FsX.
It has was resumed and improved for Fs2004 within the framework of the development of the method of unlimited compilation of definition and size ULE2.
At the request of certain simers, this Fs2004 version was totally taken back to make it completely compatible with FsX in Dx9 and Dx10.

Others versions for FS2004 et P3D/FSX are ready in the section " Downloads - Aircrafts FS2004 " cool


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is spitfire, password is 1943. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 123.48 Kb) Downloaded 2597 times

Another fictive aircraft but with floats and compiled for P3D (also run under FSX).

Others FS2004 versions are ready to use under " Download - Aircrafts FS2004 " cool


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is spitfire, password is 1943. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 304.65 Kb) Downloaded 1682 times

HM-290 / Pou du ciel (Flying flea):

Henri Mignet, is a famous designer of French airplanes. Creator of the formula Pou-du-ciel and initiator of the Air Sports Network (RSA), he is the father of aviation for all and amateur construction. It is thanks to him that a certain number of Frenchmen have discovered the amateur construction and the Aviation before and after the war. The "Pou du ciel" is a must and one of its greatest achievements. I propose to discover it here

This version has a female pilote like during Aviation's first age

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is henri, password is mignet. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.


HM-290_Pou_du_ciel.7z(38 894.14 Kb) Downloaded 1155 times

Update version v1.5:

This new model is a fictional aircraft built by Bede40/Beercan on the basis of the ULM and in order to do a STOL aircraft and to land on the FREMM Aquitaine French-VFR boat (see French-VFR Libraries and static objects).
Mission accomplished for Bercan which could land on the FREMM several times after numerous tests. This aircraft features a new HUD integrating RFN TACAN v4.1 gauge functions.

This new model is designed for FSX and P3D while being compatible DX9 and DX10.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to used is eleven, password is 1963. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercases when they are present. 809.36 Kb) Downloaded 2099 times

Another version of the ULM Beercan: for fun and radada! base model and modified learning ballast management, no charge, and in FSX SDK.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is topgun, password is 1984. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 371.10 Kb) Downloaded 1167 times

Another version of the ULM Beercan: humourous note for fans of camo! and Long Range Version, always humor, 4 Jerry Cans-rested. As the Jeeps, we stop and it is full!


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is topgun, password is 1984. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 644.22 Kb) Downloaded 1730 times

This is the latest creation of Beercan: a draft helicopter ULM that he has created as an exercise to practice his learning of helicopters in FSX.

He has developed an instrument that gives the longitudinal and transverse velocities translational ... very easy to practice stationary flights (even and especially when it's windy!)

In short, a rotary wing microlight for the ride and learning FSX SDK (Part helicopter). It goes without saying that this device is to be installed in the section SimObjects Rotorcraft ....

The last version V2 (63 Mo) that you can download today  take in account a lot of modifications :

 - 2 MDL are provided (simple or hard),

 - the pilot has his helmet with a mobile visor,

 - new textures are ready to use (a military version).

A new version to implement a bug => (64Mo)


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is topgun, password is 1984. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 229.96 Kb) Downloaded 2432 times

Close  MSFS natives aircrafts

Canso PBY-5A - Work In Progress

The Consolidated PBY Catalina seaplane is a military designed in the 1930s in the United States. It was widely used during the Second World War, both the U.S. Army by the other allies, performing missions varied.

The initial designation of the PBY plane was simply: "PB" for Patrol Boat, "Y" is the designation of Consolidated, its constructor. He was nicknamed by the British Catalina, in reference to Santa Catalina Island. Aircraft manufactured in Canada were designated them Canso.

This aircraft was first made ​​for "fly in X-Plane." Its original creator
Olivier Faivre who want to see it in other places had appealed to the FS community to make a portage.
My first attempts to bring the sources to Blender GMax date of late 2010. It was a big first for me and after a lot of research and attempts, the transformation process has been developed and is under control now.

Ten years after my first version for FS2004, this first official version is for MSFS and has been tested on the SU8 Beta. The drop and scoop operations are functional (read the contents of the Documentations directory). Nevertheless, this is a Work In Progress version which should lead to a final version by this summer 2022.

I will regularly update the versions on this link specifying the version number so that there are no errors.

Good Flys ! cool Lagaffe


First release : v0.7.6 - 22-02-2022 (502 dowloads) no more downloadable

Release v0.7.7 - 05-04-2022  (503 - 1067 dowloads) no more downloadable

  • Animation of all instruments on the dashboard (dome light and rear panel in the next release),
  • Corrected taxi and landing lights,
  • Replacements of the sounds by Ted Wolfgang's kit created for the C-47 of the Manfred Team (FSX/P3D)
  • New model with blisters added and 3 additional repaints: Air France, Princesse des Etoiles, Okavango.
  • VR usage and DX12 function (beta version) aren't supported officially.

Release v0.7.8 - 20-05-2022 (1068 - 1480 downloads) cancels and replaces the latest version !

  • Front panel instruments are all animated as the panel radio and rear panel (electricity and tanks selectors),
  • 90% of levers on the mobile panel are animated and coded,
  • Rear tyres are entirely re-modelized (texture is in progress),
  • Boarding stairs at the rear of blisters version is animated
  • Interior of the Blisters version is upgraded (news seats, etc ...),
  • 22 PLN are added to permit you to discover world beauties,
  • 3 news repaints are added (they will be upgraded when the PAINTKIT will be finished),
  • You can read in Documentation directory Readme_WIP_0.7.8.txt for more details ...

Release v0.8.0 - 30-06-2022 cancels and replaces the latest version !

This version isn’t the last, This is a snapshot from my developments, but it contains 95% of the elements I wanted to model.
As for the textures, they are quite basic, they are just textures that allow me to better understand the 3D during my work. Some are more worked (PBR) when it is about small parts or tests.

The next stage of development will be mainly focused on :

  • the final textures, all mapping and textures will be rework (PBR and paintkit)
  • the improvement of the existing XML code because there are some bugs that are still present and some functions that I need to finish coding.
  • the management of the internal cockpit lights: the buttons are already animated but I’ll want to write the code in the presence of the final textures to only make one pass on this issue.

Known bug:

  • the ATtitude Indicator give false information: in horizontal flight, the displayed artificial horizon leans to the left, the problem is known, isolated and being fixed.

Once version 1.0 is released (mi-August), my aim is to continue my developments by incorporating a “damage mode” (a light accu-feel) from the one I wrote for the C-150 Tibush (FSX/P3D) cool

WARNING : You don't need to create a account on my homesite. Download is protected against hotlinks. To download the username to use is  pilote, and the passord is virtuel. It's necessary to respect uppercase ansd lowercase.when they are. Thanks. 253.49 Kb) Downloaded 8458 times

l'Hydro (LEGACY model) :

This is a fictitious aircraft, or rather a fictitious seaplane originally created for FSX and Prepar3D and then ported to MSFS (this aircraft is based on MDL files and DDS textures). It is delivered as is for fun smile


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlinks. The username is captain, the password is alderaban. Be sure to use upper and lower case letters when they are present. 360.58 Kb) Downloaded 1204 times

Ménestrel HN-433/434:

 Henri Nicollier, a young glider pilot, planned to build an airplane at the age of 16 after having discovered Mignet's famous book: "Le Sport de l'Air". He reviewed the few possible airplanes of the time, and decided to design (and build) his own airplane; he elaborated several projects, and his choice settled on an all-wooden single-seater, with curved shapes. Above the very first drawing of what will become the Minstrel. Henri launches into the construction of his prototype with confidence. His workshop: a corner of the hangar on the ground of Besançon/Thise, but he runs up against the general skepticism of the members of the local club. He will manage to finalize his construction and it is in the general indifference which will carry out the first flight of F-PKXO in Thise, on November 25, 1962. The plane has not been modified since.
The HN 433 "Ménestrel" will also be built in amateur with 6 specimens. Among the builders, two friends of work: Bernard Cintrat and Jean Claude Afflard who will build the N°37-PYJZ and 43-PYKA. They completely modernize the plane to make it very attractive to the eyes of the amateurs of the time (1982). Thus modified the plane will take the name of HN 434 "Super Minstrel". It will be more comfortable with an enlarged cabin and also simpler to build by removing several useless wing reinforcements.

This plane, I started it in 2010 for FS2004 and then transformed it to be FSX/P3D compatible. Nevertheless, it remained unfinished in my eyes because I could not go to the end of my ideas.

With MSFS, I decided to take it back completely and make it a native addon.
So here is the current version, which I call a Beta since there are two or three little things missing which should be solved in June 2021.

For more informations on this aircraft:

!!! Since the 23 Juin 2021 / 22h00  (french hour) HN433 version is updated to : v1.0.2 !!!

  • improvement of the texture associated with the canopy to make it clearer
  • improvement of the textures of the F-PYXE (dashboard, inscription on the "socks")

!!! Since the 27 Juin 2021 / 15h00  (french hour) HN433 version is updated to : v1.1.0 !!!

  • Improvement of the propeller animations and associated textures,

!!! Since the 29 Juin 2021 / 18h15  (french hour) HN433 version is updated to : v1.3.0 !!!

  • Corrections on the ailerons (inversed) and beacon light operational,

!!! Since the 06 July 2021 / 15h15  (french hour) HN433 version is updated to : v1.5.0 !!!

  • Scroll with the mouse on the blades for engine star (fnct. of °C of oil motor),
  • The only thing left to do is to refine the flight model to have a more real behavior cool if Asobo decide to finish his FDE

!!! Since the 05 August 2021 / 19h00, (french hour) HN433 version is updated to : v1.6.1 !!!

  • altimeter,
  • cover engine management (visibility),
  • refine the flight model to have a more real behaviour of the rudder during take-off step.

!!! Since the 08 August 2021 / 19h00, (french hour) HN433 version is updated to : v1.7.0 !!!

  • Paintkit added to this version.

!!! Since the 17 August 2021 / 19h00, (french hour) HN433 version is updated to : v1.8.0 !!!

  • Added visual effects behind the tires (rain, snow or dirt)

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is henri, password is mignet. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 976.68 Kb) Downloaded 1927 times

Close  Aircraft P3D

MonoBi Biplace Series :

A new creation of our friend Bernard: a biplace version to fly with your wife laugh


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 501.39 Kb) Downloaded 998 times

MonoBi Series version 1:

A new creation of our friend Bernard who does'nt knows what to make during his hollidays laugh


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 931.16 Kb) Downloaded 2198 times

Another version for the ULM Beercan: total, ballast management and turbine or how not to get power from the Saturn V launch for the latter.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is account is topgun, password is 1984. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 621.89 Kb) Downloaded 1124 times

Close  Aircratfs Prepar3D v4 - 64bits
Updated the 07 Febrary 2018: v0.2 aircraft can be used from FSX 32 bits or P3D 64 bits

French-VFR will offers you one of its projects in Open-Alpha. 

As developments of version v2.0 of the C150 are in an advanced stage and
usable, I decided to make available a fully functional version that will 
be updated as the work progresses.

First of all, this version will only include the Taildragger version but 
it will be added the other versions (Bush, Trainer and Float-plane) as 
soon as possible ...

This aircraft has the particularity of being delivered with a set of XML 
scripts that should improve the immersive character of this addon. 
These scripts are an improved version of  by Ismail Hakki Guzel's Damage 
Mod. I hope that they will allow you to live with more intensity flights 
you will make with it.

- Altimeter bu solved smile

Lagaffe and his friends cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlinks so you must use the 
account is micro, and the password simulation. It's necessary to respect 
uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

You don't need to be registred to download this archive.

Open-Alpha.jpg 227.67 Kb) Downloaded 2165 times

MonoBi Series version Two pilots for P3D v3.x & v4.x

Bernard went even further at the technical and polygonal level by offering a Biplace version of his MonoBi and by offering a graphical interface to choose between 2 pilots and 5 passengers.  laugh


Theses aircrafts of Mono-Bi serie can be used with P3D v4.4 but you had to add to aircraft.cfg file theses following lines in blue


WARNING : The download is protected against direct links (hotlink). The username is captain, the password is alderaban. Be sure to respect upper and lower case letters when they are present 


MonoBi-Bi_P3D.7z(187 460.36 Kb) Downloaded 826 times

Close  Aircrafts X-Plane

New release of AT-3 V3.0 for X-Plane 12

Aero AT-3 is a side by side two-seater training and tourism Polish cantilever low-wing monoplane and fixed tricycle landing gear. Designed by Tomasz Antoniewski in 1997, the AT-3 is largely inspired by Pottier P.220S Koala. In response to criticism, particularly in Britain, the basic version has been changed from 28 cm stretched fuselage, empennage deeper modification of the bonnet to facilitate visits by a replacement engine Rotax 912S 100 ch, avionics western parking brake, ...) to become aT-3 R100.

This aircraft modeled by our friend Berju83 of is his FSX creation but exported for X-Plane 11 64 bits in a new version v3.0 cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

AT3_R100_XP12_v3.7z(27 241.77 Kb) Downloaded 343 times

New release of AT-3  .... V3.0

Aero AT-3 is a side by side two-seater training and tourism Polish cantilever low-wing monoplane and fixed tricycle landing gear. Designed by Tomasz Antoniewski in 1997, the AT-3 is largely inspired by Pottier P.220S Koala. In response to criticism, particularly in Britain, the basic version has been changed from 28 cm stretched fuselage, empennage deeper modification of the bonnet to facilitate visits by a replacement engine Rotax 912S 100 ch, avionics western parking brake, ...) to become aT-3 R100.

This aircraft modeled by our friend Berju83 of is his FSX creation but exported for X-Plane 11 64 bits in a new version v3.0 cool


- RPM needed animation updated,

- Avitab indicator added.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

AT3_R100_XP11_V3.rar(25 478.07 Kb) Downloaded 2328 times

Wassmer WA-40 (updated version - airfoil file added)
Wassmer is a company that was located in Issoire (now Issoire Aviation). It was the heyday of recreational aviation and gliding French. The first flight out of the consultants is Wassmer WA-40.

It is a five-seater aircraft structural metal tube canvas, capable of traveling 1400km to a cruising speed of 260 Km / h it off for the first time on June 8 1959. It has a wingspan of 10 m, a length 8.09 m to a maximum weight of 1200Kg, all powered by a Lycoming O-360 180hp. There were 168 copies built and as you'll discover with straight fins and arrow.

This is our talented friend and friend: "Berju83" of who made for you the version for X-Plane 11
WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

Wassmer40-S4_XP11.rar(30 587.44 Kb) Downloaded 1023 times

Wassmer WA-40 for X-Plane 12
Wassmer is a company that was located in Issoire (now Issoire Aviation). It was the heyday of recreational aviation and gliding French. The first flight out of the consultants is Wassmer WA-40.

It is a five-seater aircraft structural metal tube canvas, capable of traveling 1400km to a cruising speed of 260 Km / h it off for the first time on June 8 1959. It has a wingspan of 10 m, a length 8.09 m to a maximum weight of 1200Kg, all powered by a Lycoming O-360 180hp. There were 168 copies built and as you'll discover with straight fins and arrow.

This is our talented friend and friend: "Berju83" of who made for you the version for X-Plane 12
WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is captain, password is alderaban. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

Wassmer40-S4_XP12.7z(25 135.97 Kb) Downloaded 265 times

Close  Boats for FS2004 466.58 Kb) Downloaded 1256 times

FS2004 Pilotable marine and underwater research boat Calypso, used by Jacques Yves Cousteau.
The 3D model is a detailed model, made by Didier Puentes. This addon maded by Erwin Welker  provides a improved 2D panel as navigation bridge with ten additional decks views, including a Hughes 300 onto the heli deck. Views and bitmaps by Erwin Welker

          fs9pilotable_cousteaus-calypso.gif   fs9pilotable_cousteau-calypso2.gif 579.55 Kb) Downloaded 900 times

Close  Boats for FSX and P3D

FSX Pilotable marine and underwater research boat Calypso,

Used by Jacques Yves Cousteau, this boat represent the famous Calypso. The 3D model is a detailed model, made by Didier alias "Lagaffe". This addon is composed byt somes modifications brought by Erwin Welker which provides a improved 2D panel as navigation bridge and a VC-view above.

Twelve cameras allows you to explore the ship, including the options to set a Hughes 300 onto the heli deck. Camera views, VC-mode and bitmaps by Erwin Welker

20-02-2021: A modification has been made to this addon to replace the BMP textures with DDS textures in FSX format and to add the flag animation that had been forgotten when first published. Didier aka "Lagaffe".

The following archive replaces and cancels the previous one. 

  fsxpilotable_cousteau-calypso.gif 082.49 Kb) Downloaded 2284 times

Close  Boats for MSFS

Calypso ship for marine and underwater rescearch used by Cdt Cousteau,

Used by Jacques Yves Cousteau, this ship represent the famous Calypso. The 3D model is a detailed model, with the Schweizer S300C which had been used onboard.

This model is for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS - glTF model)

Calypso_for_ MSFS.png

Calypso_pour_MSFS.7z(2 238.58 Kb) Downloaded 593 times

Close  FSX Gauge

Updated to v1.5:

Last  weeks, Squirrel has released a new version of this gauge to answer to a user of this freeware.
The gauge usage isn't changed, there is only a further indication which is given to the user:

This indication concerns the current hook and cable states, and is given by the color of text.

  • Red cable is broken, its use is impossible
  • Green hook is active, an object can be hung.
  • The text is in orange in the other cases: intact cable (off hook or hanging object).
This gauge is designed for Flight Simulator X and Microsoft requires expansion
Acceleration. Read carrefully the documents inside this archive !

Some comments from the creator:
"It makes it easier to use the Sling function of a helicopter like the one
is fitted as standard in the Microsoft EH101 Acceleration.
Helicopters suitable for FSX have two lifting equipment:
• First, the winch on the right of the EH101, you can change the
length using combinations of Ctrl + G, J, K and O (see instructions
• There is also a second cable, sling, located under the unit, and for raising
heavier loads. This is one that you use for example in
Mission "Pulley Shugarloaf". But the length of the sling may not be
changed in FSX default. It is the goal of Slingoperator gauge.


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is kln90b, password is garmin. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 180.73 Kb) Downloaded 2504 times

Close  Libraries and static objects

Updated version 1.6

Version v1.6 have been modificated: the right version is from 15 September 2013-19h30 (Paris local hour)

This new model is the representation of the first Multi-Mission Frigate Aquitaine delivered to the French Navy.
The missions of Aquitaine are to control the air-sea operation zone and deep strike with the naval cruise missile and finally the projection of special forces. As such, it can carry and take off a helicopter NH-90 Caiman in the context of naval operations in which it participates.

It is primarily this aspect that has been addressed in this new model scheduled for FSX and P3D while being compatible DX9 and DX10.

This model can be used with  the AI traffic released in the package or or in your AI traffic. You can also used it with the AI CArriers addon.

Pitch and roll are modelized: use weather cursors to obtain more realism !

FREMM Aquitaine Second Version updated

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to used is thrust, password is cougar. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 048.35 Kb) Downloaded 3422 times 140.76 Kb) Downloaded 1405 times


The French have a certain way about them. They tend to build aircraft which are striking, sometimes even odd. Here we have an example of the NC850 series of lightplanes (in this case an NC854S). Ninety two of these were built by two French nationalised aircraft factories between 1946 and 1953, this particular aircraft making its first flight in March of 1951. The NC850 was evaluated by the French military, but was originally rejected, despite having excellent visibility from the ‘bubble’ canopy.

This is a static version of development that I started in 2013 and remained at the stage of beta version. This static version was extrapolated from the development version in less than 3 days. It was necessary to simplify the model and to realize the paintkit to perform this particular texture.

In view of the work, I have the desire to finish this model and a completed version should be released soon for FSX / P3D

NC854S_Statique.jpg 870.88 Kb) Downloaded 720 times

Close  Updates
This file corrects a corrupted texture that was present in RC1 archive (zip of 210 KB).
Full versions RC2 for FS2004 and P3D are available in FS2004 and P3D sections respectively. Kb) Downloaded 935 times

Close  Aircrafts repaints

Repaint F-BXNS for the Cessna 150L version FSX/P3D (Aéro-club de Quiberon)

This repaint of an existing aircraft which is based in "Presque île de Quiberon (France)" was created by Pierrot78,  my friend of This repaint which exist for the FS2004 verszion of the Cessna has been upgraded for FSX/P3D

F-BXNS 369.79 Kb) Downloaded 1220 times

A repaint for the Cessna 150K and the C180 Hydra  FSX/P3D

Our friend Pierrot78 of has created this new repaint for the last Cessna of French-VFR : the Cessna 150-K Ti'Bush and the Cessna 180-G Hydra : F-ENEZ.

Two screens to see his work cool

Repaints_F-ENEZ.jpg 750.04 Kb) Downloaded 1082 times

In order to fly with my friends on Internet, we have realized that some others repaints to Cessna 150K that should please you.

In this first pack you will find four fictitional repaints and four others for our friends across the Atlantic (Alaska and North America).
The authors of theses repaints are Bede40, Greenhpopper et Nastybeats (

TiBush_repaints_v100.jpg 811.67 Kb) Downloaded 1784 times

7 Repaints for the Cessna 150L version FSX/P3D (real et fictitious) MAJ 22/01/2014

My friend Greenhopper of has done seven different repaints for this FSX/P3D version of the Cessna 150L . Seven textures which arewhich are more beautiful than the other.

Here somes pictures of theses repaints and the virtual cockpits !!!:

Hawaii Police d'état F-BUBS du club Hispano-Suiza à Cergy-Pontoise (France)

Livrée fictive  D-Day Memorial  OO-LGAF livrée fictive de Lafaffe  F-SAMU, version fictive en hommage au SAMU de Pontoise (France)  Intérieur cuir digne d'une berline haut de gamme 276.75 Kb) Downloaded 1899 times

News repaints for the JODEL D112 - Version 2016

The Jodel aircraft are single-engine French tourism. The name "Jodel" comes from the two founders of the company, "Jo" for Édouard Joly, pilot, amateur builder, farmer of his state, and "del" for his son,Jean Délémontez, aircraft mechanic, self-taught engineer.
1950 comes the first "real" production company that will be a two-seater derivative of D9, D11 to respond to a government request seeking an apprenticeship aircraft for flying clubs. The D11, like D9, will also be a success, especially its different versions and thus follow the D112 with a Continental C65 engine 65 hp.


This pack add 3 news textures for this last version of the JODEL D112

This aircraft was developed natively for P3D v3.3 and run very well in FSX SP2. cool

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is warning, password is landing. RIt's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 244.59 Kb) Downloaded 946 times

Paintkit C150 K Tibush

As many people have asked me, I have put a paintkit for the Cessna online.

It's not perfect because the switch from FS9 to FSX/P3D caused me some problems but I'm thinking of reworking it completely when this aircraft is available under MSFS.

Good repaints cool

Paintkit_C150K.7z(37 521.69 Kb) Downloaded 265 times

Paintkit for Squirrel's Alouette III !

Since today, we can fin the official painkit for the Squeirrel's Alouette III. This paintkit is in xcf format (Gimp) but it can be easily imported by Photoshop (psd).


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is kln90b, password is garmin. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 986.46 Kb) Downloaded 1080 times

The last repaint of Bede40 for the Carenado Beech D18S: 836.56 Kb) Downloaded 567 times

Yet another repaint by Bede40 for the interiors of the famous Duke Turbine of RealAir.

This repaint was originally made to take advantage of the new advances in P3Dv4 and works perfectly under the 32-bit version of Prepar3D.

Good fly cool

Textures Duke Turb v2.7z(103 583.42 Kb) Downloaded 689 times

DR400 for AI traffic - for FSX ou Prepar3D

This DR400 is supplied as a model for AI traffic. In addition, you will have in this package the GMax files and paintkit in PSD format all theses components are licensed under CREATIVE COMMONS.

Thank you to respect the license for this addon wink


WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: username to use is gear, password is down. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 695.22 Kb) Downloaded 711 times

Close  FS2004 Sceneries Kb) Downloaded 1028 times

Close  FSX/P3D Sceneries 028.06 Kb) Downloaded 1765 times

CYMX- Mirabel and CSW5

Montréal–Mirabel International Airport (IATA: YMX, ICAO: CYMX), originally called Montréal International Airport and widely known as Mirabel, is a cargo and former international passenger airport in Mirabel, Quebec, Canada, 21 nautical miles (39 km; 24 mi) northwest of Montreal. It opened on October 4, 1975, and the last commercial passenger flight took off on October 31, 2004.

The main role of the airport today is cargo flights, but it is also home to MEDEVAC and general aviation flights, and is a manufacturing base for Bombardier Aerospace, where final assembly of regional jet (CRJ700, CRJ900 and CRJ1000) aircraft and the Airbus A220 (formerly Bombardier CSeries) is conducted. The former passenger terminal apron is now a racing course, and the terminal building was demolished in 2016.

Prior to the demolition of the terminal, Montréal–Mirabel International Airport was classified as an airport of entry by Nav Canada and was staffed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). A smaller AOE is still available at the Hélibellule FBO It was one of two airports in Canada with sufficient right-of-way that can be expanded to accommodate 50 million passengers per year, the other being Toronto Pearson International Airport. A lack of traffic meant that Mirabel was never expanded beyond its first phase. It is one of only two non-capital airports with fewer than 200,000 passengers a year to be part of the National Airports System.

The airport was intended to replace the existing Dorval Airport as the eastern air gateway to Canada. Accordingly, from 1975 to 1997, all international flights to and from Montreal (except for flights to and from the United States) were required to use Mirabel. However, Mirabel's distant location, the lack of adequate transport links to urban centres and the continued operation of domestic flights from Dorval Airport made Mirabel very unpopular with travellers and airlines. It did not help that Montreal's economy declined relative to that of Toronto during the 1970s and 1980s. As a result, passenger levels never approached the levels that had been anticipated, and indeed remained lower than what Dorval could handle when renovated.

This scenery is available for FSX SP2 and Prepar3D (all versions up to v4.5 HF2 included). Its creation lasted a little more than a year in close collaboration between 2 Quebec citizens and a Frenchman... and with jet lag, of course smiley

Given its surface area (more than 25 km²), it was necessary at one point to decide to publish it as it stands because otherwise we could have continued for a few more years to add it with everything that is possible to do. That said, I think it will probably be updated in the near future to take into account other details and specific features of Prepar3D.

Official presentation of CYMX projet:

Ours sceneries in v1.00 Alpha

For those who would like to add vegetation, the LIB_CYMX_Vegetation.BGL library and Instant Scenery program should allow you to easily enhance this scene with grasses and hay bales, Do not be too greedy wink

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account to used in order to downloadthis archive is bo, password is bobonhom. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

MirabelX_1.00.7z(253 082.24 Kb) Downloaded 660 times

Bailleau - Armenonville of Jede1 : Updated to version 1.0b

The airfield of Bailleau Armenonville is one of the only platforms in France with Chérence (scenery also created by Jede1) to have been entirely designed and built for gliding. It is located in the Val de Voise on the territory of the 2 communes Bailleau under Gallardon and Armenonville not far from Chartres -Champfol, high place of the planner.
This aerodrome is unique because:

• it is reserved exclusively for the use of the glider,
• its aerology is very favorable to the practice of gliding.
• Its geographical location makes it possible to have a large number of centers of attraction: Paris at 1 hour, Chartres and its cathedral at 15 minutes, Maintenon and its castle at 10 minutes, etc

This gliding scenery was created by Jede1 like those of Chérence and Belley-Peyrieu: Bravo to him!


The author send us an update tjune 13th : v1-0b so verify your release.

Good flights !

LFFL_Bailleau_v1-0b.rar(0.00 Kb) Downloaded 762 times

Chérence version LFFC version 1.2

The airfield Mantes - Chérence (ICAO: LFFC) is located 70 km west of Paris in the Vexin plateau, and dominates the valley of the Seine.
The ridge road that connects the village to La Roche-Guyon offers spectacular views over the valleys of the Seine and the Epte.
The recreational airfield is used exclusively as a gliding field, The land, owned by the municipality of Chérence is operated by aerospace Association of Val-d'Oise (AAVO).
Jean-Louis alias "Jede1" has create this the scene of the gliding base Chérence Mantes LFFC for FSX (SP2 DX10) and Prepar3D (2.4).
The scene of France VFR Photo HD Ile de France is imperative and necessary for the proper implementation of this scene.

Real documents to illustrate this airport:


Some videos here to see the real situation :

LFFC_Cherence_1_2.rar(49 695.24 Kb) Downloaded 1011 times

La_Ferte-Alais-LFFQ_pour_FSX-version_01-05.pdf(2 300.89 Kb) Downloaded 1602 times

Meeting_de_Pencote_a_la_Ferte-Alais_version_01-05.pdf(2 352.45 Kb) Downloaded 1187 times

Les Grandes Bergeronnes - CTH3 / Québec

Recently, Pascal "Greenhopper" began to adapt the airports of Northern Québec and some hydro-bases. The productions of our Quebecois friends are of quality, in most cases it comes down to a portage of the scenes under P3D. That said some native scenes of FS2004 are a bit more difficult and require a bit of labor. wink
Here is one of the first "realizations" of Pascal in this case the Grandes Bergeronnes, a small well-known ground not far from Tadoussac and the Saguenay! The scene was completely redone with the agreement of the designers of the FS9 version, and here is the result.

WARNINGS : Download is protected against hotlinks. To download the username to use are  emil, and the password  dewoitine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. YOU don't need to be registred on French-VFR to download anything!.

Les Grandes Bergeronnes - CHT3 (Québec)

Good travels on Quebec cool 463.74 Kb) Downloaded 783 times

Ecausseville Airship Hangar:

Our friend Greenhopper has created a new scene for FSX and P3D. This scenery located on the borders of Normandy represents a hangar that housed during the WWI airships to counter the German submarines. This big hangar built in concrete slabs on a framework of 25 structures was created according to the plans of Henry Lossier The sliding door required 6 men to handle it!


Hangar_Dirigeable_Ecausseville.rar(42 496.16 Kb) Downloaded 762 times

Bonus for LFAF - LAON Scenery : LAON Aviation Sport

As a bonus for LFAF scenery of Laon-Chambry v1-00 yesterday released an airshow scenery mixing the show and pylons races. This scene developed by Greenhopper and Bede40 provides a stage for entertainment and discovery of the Picardy region in France.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is emil, password is dewoitine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.


Take fun cool

LAON_Sport_Aeronautique_v1-00.7z(125 753.56 Kb) Downloaded 783 times

LFKY - Belley by Jede1 (Jean-Louis)

The airfield of Belley - Peyrieu (ICAO: LFKJ) is a licensed airport restricted, located in the municipality of Peyrieu 7 km south of Belley in Ain (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, France).
It is used for the practice of leisure and tourism activities (light aircraft and helicopter).

The airfield has a grass runway oriented north-south (18/36), 638 meters long and 60 wide.
The aerodrome is not controlled. Communications are performed by self-information on the frequency of 123.500 MHz.

Refuelling (100LL) and lubricant is possible (for version 1.2).

Evolution for version 1.2 (in progress):
- Reporting runway taxiway, fuel station, repair station,
- Traffic Jodel 112 and rally 180,
- Improvement of buildings details,
- Elimination of a flash along the track building (FSX)
- A path of sustainable railway FPS
- A special version of P3D at the end of my relocation of version 3.1,

LFKY_Belley_1_1b.rar(18 599.31 Kb) Downloaded 1040 times

This version modelised for FSX-SP2 contents less objects than the Meeting:
 - Cerny - la Ferté-Alais (LFFQ) airport in normal configuration,
 - 14 hangars and pilotes's bar,
 - statics aircrafts based on this airport,
 - a traffic IA with sources,
 - a very complete documentation on this airport of Paris.

lffq.jpg 105.45 Kb) Downloaded 3914 times

Laon-Chambry / LFAF ... new release v1.01

Version 1.01: A texture copyrighted by Pete Beeby had been inserted in the version 1.00 we decided to correct this version as soon as  that error has been found. We reiterate our apologies to Pete for this unfortunate error..

This creation has started after a little discussion forum at the request of our friend F-SAFI. After several stops due to other projects and some health problems, this scene is finally ready for download.

This small flying club of Picardie [France] had already been ported FS2004. This version is intended for use in both FSX and Prepar3D [all versions]. Only FSX Steam has not been tested but should not pose particular problems.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is emil, password is dewoitine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.


LFAF - Laon-Chambry_v1-01.7z(147 427.84 Kb) Downloaded 1472 times

This version modelised for FSX-SP2 contents:
 - Cerny-La Ferté-Alais (LFFQ) airport in Meeting configuration,
 - 14 hangars and pilotes's bar,
 - animation stands and VIP tribuns,
 - les stands de présentation des appareils en démonstration,
 - spectators of this Meeting,
 - a "repaint" of C-47 Dakota D-Day in the stands,
 - a traffic IA named "Pack Sixties" with sources,
 - a very complete documentation on this airport of Paris.

meetin_lffq.jpg 202.06 Kb) Downloaded 2658 times

LFXU - Les Mureaux airport by Greenhopper:

Two grass tracks oriented east-west (10/28) of 1950 meters long and wide 50m, these are the main characteristics of this airport located in the department of Yvelines ( offers a striking view of Paris and its famous Defense Towers.

The proximity of the Seine loops is an invitation to the ride that will take you via Rouen and Le Havre to the Hight-Normandy beaches (D-Day).

After a year of development, this airport initiated by our friend Greenhoppper for P3D is perfectly functional under FSX DirectX 10.(This scenery isn't compatible with DirectX 9) Although quite heavy, a number of tips are provided by Greenhopper's documentation in order to be fonctionnal on small PC configurations.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is emil, password is dewoitine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 857.75 Kb) Downloaded 1518 times

LFPT-Pontoise updated to v1.6 / optimized version

This version cancels and replaces the old one v1.6. This version brings corrections for users who have some problems under FSX DX9. Some bugs are presents but we works to solve them and a new release will be delivered before next year.

This version of Pontoise - Cormeilles en Vexin (ICAO Code LFPT) modeled for FSX and P3Dv2 by Greenhopper includes:
  - Pontoise Airport (LFPT)
  - 18 hangars and buildings as well as the bar pilots,
  - The Kart "Kart Racing Cormeilles" adjoining
  - Two ground textures: day / night.

Pontoise - Cormeilles en Vexin airport is located in the towns of Cormeilles in Vexin, Boissy l'Aillerie Genicourt and 7 kilometers northwest of Cergy-Pontoise (95, Val d'Oise). It is located 34 kilometers northwest of Paris.

It was created in 1937, was used for the French army and the German army during the French Occupation.


This version has been tested on FSX DirectX9, DirectX10 and Prepar3D v2.x, v3.x and P3D v4 .5 HF2 !.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is mickael, password is jackson. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present. 318.51 Kb) Downloaded 3211 times

Located in the Parc National des Ecrins, in the valley of Valgaudemar, this mountain retreat is located at the foot of the western face of Sirach at an altitude of 2271 m
The start of the climb to the refuge Vallonpierre is downstream of the valley Surette. Since pastoral hut Surette, the GR54 trail crosses near then rises through the alder bushes on slopes Vernets to access the refuge. After crossing high meadows, you see the refuge Vallompierre the edge of a small lake.


Enjoy during your fly over French Alpes

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is kln90b, password is garmin. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

Vallonpierre 031.53 Kb) Downloaded 1151 times

Close  MSFS Scenery

Les Grandes Bergeronnes - CTH3 in Quebec

Here is one of Pascal "GreenHopper's" first "creations", in this case Les Grandes Bergeronnes, which I brought to MSFS with his permission. It's a small and quite well-known site not far from Tadoussac and the Saguenay! The scene is in progress which explains why there is no version number in the archive name (there is a text file in the archive) and here is the result..

Good flys over Quebec and Saguenay  cool

Version  v0.5.0:  First release

Version v0.7.5:  Update of Archeo Center, shiptments installations and Lookon site on the sea side..

Version v0.8.5 (22/12/2020): The initial version has just been updated on the following points:
- Improvements to the sheds and adjoining easements,
- Addition of animals around the runway
- Improvements to Look and Park camping areas
- Improvements to the elements of the port and the boats in it (appearance of the Calypso and ESSIPIT Zodiacs)
- Adding whales on an area demarcated by a sailboat

.version v0.9.0 (24/12/2020):  This version has just been updated on the following points:
- Additions of animated animals around the track
- Addition of an animated windsock
- Seasonal management of certain elements (parasols and then tourists)

version v0.9.8 (31/12/2020):  This Beta version has just been updated on the following points:
- Modelisation of the bakery "La Ptite Cochonne" (The little piggy )
- Some characters are now visible according to the season and the time of the day
- Tables and umbrellas are visible depending on the season and time of day.

Final version v1.0.0 (10/01/2021):  V1.0 is release.
- Some modifications that I wanted to add can not e implemented currectly: the SDK is not finish.

The latest version cancels and replaces the previous one so delete it before reinstalling the new one.

WARNINGS : Download is protected against hotlinks. To download the username to use are  emil, and the password  dewoitine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are

frenchvfr-cth3-grandes-bergeronnes.7z(51 111.67 Kb) Downloaded 616 times


While waiting for the SDK to grow to be able to start building aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator, I have started the update for MSFS of the CYMX - Mirabel version that we had made for Dominic Marier, Jean-Pierre Fillon (Qué and myself for FSX.

As the SDK improves with each release, I think this porting might take a little longer than usual so I will allow you to use working versions that will be updated as we progress.

Version 0.9.0 of 03 Juin 2023:  Due to an error on my part, I had forgotten to add the usual Readme and above all to break down the various components according to the 3 co-authors.

Dominic Marier was the one who forgot, so I apologize to him and hope to correct this error with this new version.

I hope to release in a few days a v1.0.0 with the news excluded to update this scenery with the last WUx.

Version 1.0.0 of June 19, 2023: Since the last MSFS updates, generic hangars and buildings have been causing artifacts. I've just created an update (lgf-cymx-update.bgl) that removes these duplicates. Thanks to R. Lavoie who signals theses problems.

Version 1.5.0 of July 29, 2023: This version corresponds to a completely revised scene: now all available hangars and buildings are created by French-VFR. The old BGLs of D. Marrier and JP Fillion have been removed from this version and will be replaced in future versions by new BGLs recreated from scratch and textured in PBR. Many animations should appear (ventilation towers, characters, etc.)

Version 1.6.0 of January 14, 2024: The name of the scene changes to CYMX-2024. I took the opportunity to redo ex nihilo 2 buildings by adding a lot of details and to prepare an important update. The important update that has just been validated today, will consist in adding Icicles to the many roofs that will be remodelled accordingly. These ice elements will only be visible in snow conditions. The textures have been redone from scratch and in PBR format (the COMP will be done tomorrow).
It is now planned to redo one building per week and update the scene regularly.

Please e-mail me directly if you find any bugs or errors, so that I can rectify them.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account to used in order to downloadthis archive is bo, password is bobonhom. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

The following link is for v.1.6.0 version. ==>

Godd Fly cool

frenchvfr-cymx-mirabel.7z(64 591.54 Kb) Downloaded 1644 times


Here is a very simple guide to creating a POI:

- creating an exclude,
- creation of 3 objects,
- placement of these 3 objects and
- building a stage around this POI.

The set is supplied with the 3D Blender file for these 3 elements as well as the textures and then the detailed step by step instructions to get to the end of the manipulation.

This basic tutorial is easily transposable to other scenes cool 317.64 Kb) Downloaded 480 times

Ecausseville airship hangar:

Our great friend Greenhopper has reworked the original Ecausseville scenery made for FSX / P3D, so that it is usable under MSFS. This scene located at the borders of Normandy represents a hangar which sheltered during the WWI airships to counter the German submarines. This gigantic hangar built in concrete slabs on a frame of 25 structures was erected according to Henry Lossier's plans. The sliding door required 6 men to manipulate it!


frenchvfr-hangar-ecausseville.7z(12 653.80 Kb) Downloaded 319 times

Close  X-Plane 11 Sceneries

LFMQ - Le Catellet:

In the continuity of his current developments, Berju83 proposes us this time the porting under X-Plane 11 of his scene that he had created in his time for FSX.

The area represents the civil airport of Le Castellet (LFMQ), the Paul Ricard automobile circuit, and the adjacent industrial zone.

For optimal operation:
- install the OpenSceneryX shared library in custom scenery,
- install OrthophotoXP tiles or equivalent for the area concerned in custom scenarios. A LOD 16 or 17 is best.
- uncompress the LFMQ_Castellet_XP11. rar archive in custom scenery.

WARNING : The download is protected against hotlink: account is emil, password is dewoitine. It's necessary to respect uppercases and lowercas when they are present.

LFMQ_Castellet_XP11.rar(106 946.38 Kb) Downloaded 763 times

Close  Testings Kb) Downloaded 348 times

Included in this archive prepared by Bede40 of Pilote-VirtuelSHADERS changes for tunning your HDR in your favorite simulator, the zip file contains FSX and P3D files.

This archive contains two folders whose contents should be copied (after saving the existing)

FSX - ShaderHSL - PostProcess - *    to ... FSX - ShadersHLSL - PostProcess - *


P3D - ShaderHLSL - *     to ... P3D - ShadersHLSL - *

Don not forget to backup original files. In case of P3D updates you should overwrite theses modificated files whit your backup in order to apply correctly your update cool

HDR_20141204.rar(15.80 Kb) Downloaded 787 times Kb) Downloaded 370 times

Here, our first weather theme created with FS2004 SDK and fully compatible with FSX or P3D.

It was creared with information given by Bô (Quebec)

For tests tongue Kb) Downloaded 850 times

Here, our second weather theme created with FS2004 SDK and fully compatible with FSX or P3D.

It was creared with information given by Bô (Quebec)

For tests tongue Kb) Downloaded 813 times

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