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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

cadeau.gifPrepar3D 6.1 - by Lagaffe 21/12/2023 : 10:35


After 4 years spent discovering the latest Microsoft/Asobo simulator, I come back to Prepar3D to see the evolutions. I left my version 5.4 in 2020 and today I discover the latest version 6.1 which was delivered on December 19.
This release offers several exciting new features to enhance the overall simulation platform experience. With support for Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) and FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR2), this release provides better graphics performance.

In addition, this release includes several new anti-aliasing features such as Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing (DLAA), Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) and Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (CAS) that will greatly improve image quality and clarity. To create a more realistic environment, Screen Space Reflections (SSR) has been introduced to improve the detail and realism of reflective surfaces. This version also includes highly detailed 3D models for many tree models that support the effects of wind and precipitation, making the simulation more immersive.

The Prepar3D development team has also made various performance improvements to different systems, including rendering and vegetation, to better support more accurate training scenarios. In addition, the speed of installing patches in this release has been improved, making it easier and faster to download and install updates.

Prepar3D v6 Download and Installation Instructions for more information.  cool

cadeau.gifPrepar3D v5.4.9.28482 released - by Lagaffe 23/05/2023 : 17:03

Lockheed Martin has just released a brand new incremental update for Prepar3D v5. The new update, Prepar3D v5.4.9.28482 comes with a range of performance, stability, and usability improvements.

The simulator’s performance improvements come from better use of background threading. There has also been three additional backend flight plan GPS systems that allow for staging, secondary and offset flight plan systems. For those using VR, there have been plenty of VR fixes and improvements make VR setup and calibration easier and more user friendly.

The full changelog is down below that gives you a good idea of the other various fixes and changes that come with Prepar3D v5.4.

The vast majority of the changes are in Prepar3D’s Client Installer meaning that you will only need to update that one module. However, there has been some changes to the Content and Scenery components that can be optionally installed.

Each fix listed below is categorized per installer. Please note, you must first have Prepar3D v5 installed to utilize any of the standalone installers (Client, Content, and Scenery). The Prepar3D v5.4 update may require you to reactivate your product, however if you have an internet connection or have not made any major hardware changes between installations this should not be an issue.

This isn’t quite the Prepar3D v6 that many had been hoping for, but it’s good to see that Lockheed Martin are still issuing updates for the simulator. It’s worth noting that Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D team will be making an appearance at FlightSimExpo in Houston this coming June, and attendees will be able to ask questions about the platform.

Good flys cool


cadeau.gifNew released for Prepar3D : v5.1 - by Lagaffe 29/10/2020 : 11:47

New version: Prepar3D v5.1

Lockheed Martin released yesterday evening, October 28, 2020, the new Prepar3D v5.10 release.

New technology such as Simul TruSky for volumetric clouds is no longer a Beta version but is fully operational.

I have noted in the ChangeLog that the gauges and 2D panels can now be developed in HTML5 and JavaScript ... like on MSFS, this will make it much easier to port aircraft between the two platforms.

As for the improvements brought by these new technologies, I refer you to this article on the:Prepar3D website:

Reminder: a DX12 graphics card (NVidia 9xx or higher) and Windows 10 required!


frenchvfr/working.gif18 Set. 20 one month of MSFS usage - by Lagaffe 21/09/2020 : 10:54


It's been a month since the release of this new version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, and based on the feedback from the community as well as our own experience, we can begin to make some judgements about this product. This post is not intended to lead this product, but to make an impartial judgment as possible.

The craze generated by the release of this "simulation game" has been very, very important, relayed by all the Microsoft communication, by youtubers as well as by TV channels (sic).

The innovative and high-performance graphic aspect is an unavoidable fact. Nevertheless, a simulation game is not just a beautiful display.

Many points that had been raised during the first 6 months of 2020 have not been solved for this launch despite two patches, the last of which was implemented in a rather chaotic manner:
- the complexity of the installation (one online account plus one XBox account)
- the reliability of the installer, which depends on the stream servers
- no user manual and an unfinalised SDK
- basic aircraft treated superficially in terms of avionics and flight models

Of course, this product is young and the Asobo/Microsoft couple has planned a regular update over the next 10 years. With the release of this opus, a multitude of new developers were born and a lot of freeware appeared on the market. Microsoft says to have sold more than a million licences but clouds are beginning to darken the sky:
- difficulties on some streaming servers (those in Western Europe over 2 days in a row)
- users who complain about the incredible complexity when installing this product
- not many interesting aircraft on the market apart from basic aircraft

Some will say that one month is very short but it nevertheless allowed us to form an opinion based on both our impressions of Alphas testers and users of the RTM version.

Unfortunately, a flight simulation is much more than just a pretty landscape.

A flight sim is more than just a pretty face.

cadeau.gifAugust 18th: Release announced for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - by Lagaffe 02/08/2020 : 20:40

Some news since April 2020, date of early release for Prepar3D v5, this time it concerns Microsft/Asobo who have decided to release an earlier than expected MSFS simulator that will sign the return of the Micrsoft Flight Simulator saga absent from our PCs since 2008.

Is it because of the economic situation or are there other reasons, Microsot has pushed its last agenda to announce the release of MSFS in Beta Access and moreover in 3 paid versions: Standard, Deluxe and Premium. Each version differs from the previous one by bonuses in planes and model aircrafts.

This release is planned for August 18th and the licence can be pre-order. More informations on:

One of the best presentations of this MSFS Beta that I have seen lately is a Cessna 172 between Courchevel and Sion:

At French-VFR we managed to be part of the group of Alphas testers since March 2020 and to use four versions of SDK provided. Currently, we are studying the possibility to work and publish our creations under this last version. In any case, we will only be able to make a decision after the official release on August 18th.

I'll be sure to introduce you to Beta when it comes out.

Lagaffe cool

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