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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

Freeware creator, warning ! - by BeerCan 13/11/2012 : 18:12
Hi all,

What could have become a dark matter is a happy end.

Indeed, Mathias Pommerien (Classic Hangar), accused me on Sim-Outhouse, that I have decompiled the model BF108 to recover the instruments.
I could prove my good faith in bringing the necessary
elements for deny this accusation. We leave at once on good terms.


lDevelopers friends of mine, advice, good advice, keep the entire history of your creations, sketches, drafts, files good and bad. Archive all!
Gmax and 3ds Max users, keep a file with the entire process of creating your objects, use the "collapse all" and if necessary file for compilation only.

Warning, creating the same 3d object than an another may bring this kind of inconvenience. The number of downloads are important and people are "good conscience" too ... so WARNING !

So think those are bolts, screws (slotted screws) and other small accessories that compliment our 3D cockpits, these people, therefore, face a replica immediately and attack me for plagiarism! There was not so long ago, they laughed at their presence and the marked lack of interest in the thing. Even the "pros" are using 3D for bolts and screws!
</ humor>

Bests regards.

Preventive stop for aircrafts dowloads - by Webmaster 13/11/2012 : 16:07
Pausing downloads of Druine D31

You may have been surprised this morning not to see some aircrafts in the "Downloads section".
In fact, it was a precautionary measure in response to a charge of copyright infrigement made ​​by

Five hours were necessary to prove that the Druine's gauges were effectively created by Beercan and it was only early this afternoon that we received this
e-mail which proves our honesty in this fa case.

Re: Copyright infrigment in Drine D31 Turbulent

Hello again,

On having a third and fourth look I have to admit that I made a big mistake!
It's apparently not my gauge work in the Druine.
I regret my action from this morning and thoroughly apologize for accusing you.
I will set the record straight in my post over at SOH, again, I'm very sorry for that.
I would be very happy if you and the Druine Author would accept a free copy of our Bf108 as a little compensation for my unfounded action against you.

All the best

Mathias Pommerien

The case is settled, but it must be noted that in such situations, freeware developers do not compete with companies when it comes to financial matters.

Petite frayeur le 11 Nov vers 18 heures - by Lagaffe 11/11/2012 : 20:46
Aujourd'hui vers 18h, le site a eu quelques soucis d'affichage. y
Par précaution, j'ai sauvegardé vite fait tous les articles et archivé le forum ... au final ce n'était que 2 fichiers qui avaient été corrompus, d'où la nécessité des sauvegardes bien faites.
Heureusement, j'ai toujours un double du site à jour sur mon disque dur et j'en ai été quitte pour une simple frayeur tout simplement e

le Jodel D112 pour FS2004 - by Lagaffe 10/11/2012 : 17:10
Encore un nouvel avion pour FS2004 de notre ami Beercan dans la rubrique Téléchagements ... toujours freeware mais pensez à laisser un mot sur le Livre d'or e

Une découverte de taille! - by BeerCan 02/11/2012 : 12:25
Bonjour à tous,

Je viens de découvrir que pour insérer une image dans un post il suffit de faire un copier/coller du fichier! ce que c'est de vieillir!


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